Marian Stahl Chamberlain
Marian Stahl Chamberlain holds a Bachelor of Art in Studio Art and a Bachelor of Art History, as well as a Master in Art Education. She has been working as an artist for over 20 years, primarily focusing on pastels, printmaking, and wood. She also was an art educator for 10 years, primarily with middle school students but also teaching elementary, high school and adults. Marian has studied under other artists including Tom Parker, Jacqueline Warren, and Todd Lowry, as well as under art historian Tom Russo.
Now based out of Springfield, Missouri, Marian has taken influence from living in various locations in Missouri and the southern United States, as well as her travels throughout the country and abroad. Her love of art history has also led her to be an avid art collector of works spanning from the 15th century to today. Living in an environment comprised of studio and shop space among artworks from throughout the centuries drives and inspires her creative process.
"I can never recall a time in my life when I have not wanted to be surrounded by and involved in Art. After starting a family, I decided that it was time to begin the art career that I had always wanted. I begin with representation in several art galleries in Springfield, Missouri, and now run a firmly established studio from my home. I have belonged to numerous professional artists groups and have also helped to organize and run numerous fine art fairs in Springfield."
"Of all of the processes that I use, I find that I especially enjoy the physical aspects of wood turning and word carving. My two-dimensional work is representational, and I find creating portraits to be especially enjoyable."